Amber's Story

Pelvic floor weakness

Amber Milano was overjoyed with the birth of her third child but concerned about the persistent pelvic floor weakness she continued to experience. Her midwife recommended a physical therapist specializing in pelvic floor dysfunction at Baylor Scott & White Institute for Rehabilitation - Outpatient Therapy Landry Center in Dallas.

The therapist conducted a thorough evaluation and developed a treatment plan for Amber that included exercises to help strengthen her pelvic muscles and address the related issues of urinary incontinence. She was also provided with home exercises to build on the training she did during her sessions at the Landry Center. Over 10 weeks, Amber showed great improvement. “Pelvic floor therapy has been empowering – both physically and mentally, “she said. “I was thankful to retain my dignity in such a vulnerable situation due to my therapist’s respect, encouragement and support.”

According to her therapist, “Through an individualized treatment plan, we were able to identify muscle imbalances and provide education on muscle anatomy and function.” Amber frequently commented that it was fascinating to learn about her muscles worked and use different strategies to improve her strength.

Amber admits that while she managed to make time for her therapy sessions and home exercises, her biggest hurdle was balancing that with parenting three young children. But it was worth it as she believes the therapy sessions have improved her quality of life.

A martial arts instructor, Amber was anxious to practice her sport again. After several months, she was ready to try some moves during one of her physical therapy sessions. The movements were so familiar, despite not having done them for a long time. Her eyes lit up as her confidence came back. It proved to be a transformational moment.

Amber’s next goal is to test for her 5th degree black belt – and she’s ready to begin training without fear of weak pelvic floor muscles.

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