Dale's Story

Every stroke patient is different and Dale LeBeck’s biggest challenge was his ability to swallow. After his stroke, Dale had severe difficulties swallowing which led to the placement of a feeding tube. For the following two months, he was unable to take food or drink by mouth. During that time, Dale paired with Heather Knight, a speech-language pathologist at our Baylor Scott & White Institute for Rehabilitation - Outpatient Therapy Fort Worth clinic. Heather worked with Dale to improve his swallowing through a number of techniques and strategies. Heather began reintroducing thickened liquids to test Dale’s ability to swallow safely. As he progressed, they added puddings, purees and soft-textured foods. Two months later, Dale’s feeding tube was removed, and he could eat normally. Dale now enjoys full meals without restrictions. He told his therapy team his favorite foods include pizza and chicken wings.